Here is Seth with his pumpkin on Friday:

Here are some shots from last night:

We need to get Seth some warmer football gloves, his receiver gloves are pretty much a rubber material & I think they made his hands even colder!
Pics from Saturday - can't ya feel the damp coldness! Since the weekend was cold & rainy whatelse is a gal to do but spend the weekend in reading the Twlight series :) I finished book #2 late Saturday night so Sunday I rushed out to buy #3 & #4 and I am quickly working my way through #3 ... also impressed that I have read about 1300 pages in just a few days - usually it's hard for me to find the time to read.
Rick has started his books - the Southern Vampier Mysteries - quite honestly I cannot wait to dip into them, of course to give me some more insite on the HBO True Blood Series - which was FABULOUS last night too, always find myself wanting more at the end of the show!
Tonight, I will be rooting against Eli Manning with the hopes of my Fantasy Football team keeping the lead! It will be ugly though - beacuase Rick needs Plexico Burris to do GREAT ... hmmm ... maybe I will be watching alone ;)
Stay warm & have a great Monday!
Since Rick & I are obsessed with True Blood on HBO, I ordered The Southern Vampire Mysteries for Rick (ok ok I will read them too ;)). I will be swinging by Tattered Cover this weekend to pick up the first three books in the series.
Tonight we are off to with Seth's football team - we did it last year & it was a blast ... I am just hoping it isn't too chilly tonight because it's cold / damp today & tomorrow .... the 4-letter S word has even made it's way into the forecast for the weekend ... usually our first snow isn't until Halloween - ACK - especially since we have an early football game tomorrow ... the clash of the two undefeated teams GO WARRIORS!!